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Nir Diamant

N. Diamant, N. Shandor, A. M. Bronstein, Delta-GAN-Encoder: Encoding semantic changes for explicit image editing, using few synthetic samples, arXiv:2111.08419, 2022 details

Delta-GAN-Encoder: Encoding semantic changes for explicit image editing, using few synthetic samples

N. Diamant, N. Shandor, A. M. Bronstein
arXiv:2111.08419, 2022
Picture for Delta-GAN-Encoder: Encoding semantic changes for explicit image editing, using few synthetic samples

Understating and controlling generative models’ latent space is a complex task. In this paper, we propose a novel method for learning to control any desired attribute in a pre-trained GAN’s latent space, for the purpose of editing synthesized and real-world data samples accordingly. We perform Sim2Real learning, relying on minimal samples to achieve an unlimited amount of continuous precise edits. We present an Autoencoder-based model that learns to encode the semantics of changes between images as a basis for editing new samples later on, achieving precise desired results – example shown in Fig. 1. While previous editing methods rely on a known structure of latent spaces (e.g., linearity of some semantics in StyleGAN), our method inherently does not require any structural constraints. We demonstrate our method in the domain of facial imagery: editing different expressions, poses, and lighting attributes, achieving state-of-the-art results.

N. Diamant, D. Zadok, C. Baskin, E. Schwartz, A. M. Bronstein, Beholder-GAN: Generation and beautification of facial images with conditioning on their beauty level, Proc. Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), 2019 details

Beholder-GAN: Generation and beautification of facial images with conditioning on their beauty level

N. Diamant, D. Zadok, C. Baskin, E. Schwartz, A. M. Bronstein
Proc. Int'l Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP), 2019
Picture for Beholder-GAN: Generation and beautification of facial images with conditioning on their beauty level

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This maxim, emphasizing the subjectivity of the perception of beauty, has enjoyed a wide consensus since ancient times. In the digital era, data-driven methods have been shown to be able to predict human-assigned beauty scores for facial images. In this work, we augment this ability and train a generative model that generates faces conditioned on a requested beauty score. In addition, we show how this trained generator can be used to beautify an input face image. By doing so, we achieve an unsupervised beautification model, in the sense that it relies on no ground truth target images.