
234329, 236754, 236757, 236874Project in Vista Lab

Instructors: Prof.Alex Bronstein, Dr. Chaim Baskin, Ori Bryt
Supervisors: Vista Lab staff and students

Prerequisite:  Depends on the topic of the project. Mostly a Machine Learning or Deep Learning course

Enrollment: is “manual”. please send your request to ori.bryt@technion.ac.il and add your grades transcript and CV.
Each request should be sent by a team of up to two students who will perform the project together.

The number of openings is limited. Among all requests we will select the most relevant pairs based on academic merits.
Description: the students will engage in mini-research projects conducted in pairs. Under the guidance of the instructors and the supervisors, and in conjunction with the students’ skills and interests, each team will select a project from a list of projects appearing in the lab’s website.

Evaluation will base on a scientific report that summarizes the project contextual background, decision choices, and results.